Naked boy maintenance spanking

Naked boy maintenance spanking

Jason's monthly maintenance spanking is done in the nude over Ms. Kimi's lap. Not quite a punishment spanking but a hard hand spanking is given while we discuss things that Jason can improve upon and ways to implement the changes. Shot from two angles for a better view, watch as his bottom goes from white to pink to crimson. This could be you, book at right after you watch this clip.

Store: Ms. Kimi Spanks

Price: $7.88


Date Added: 04/04/17
File Size: 266.17 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 720p
Movie Length: 7:14

Domestic Discipline, F/M Spankings, OTK Spankings, POV Spanking, Spanking

ms. kimi,, thwackman, hand spanking, spanked bottoms, domestic discipline, man spanked , female spanking man, cfnm, women spanking men, female disciplinarian, spanked bottoms

Ms. Kimi Spanks

Ms Kimi is a hard wired Spanko. She is providing you with spanking films that you've fantasized about your entire life! She offers spanking clips that will get your heart racing and your stomach fluttering over and over. If you enjoy domestic role play, age play, corporal punishment, diaper fun, outside scenes, and sensual spanking play then stay here! Content is updated weekly and I'm always up for incorporating your ideas and fantasies into my scenes. Scroll around our studio here at Spanking Library. We think you’ll find something you can enjoy!

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