Making prisoner 81151 ride Neddy whilst having her bare bottom spanked with a riding crop is not enough for our Victorian Lady Charlotte Elizabeth. Watch as her treatment of her sex slave sinks deeper... quite literally!She positions a huge dildo on the saddle and makes Prisoner Corbin use it. First she makes her suck it to make it moist. Then watch as she slowly lowers herself on to it as Charlotte observes, almost drooling, at close quarters. And then of course, as she is galloping along on our well hung Neddy's glistening cock, Charlotte spanks that naked victorian rump.... faster smack, spank, smack... faster!!! Made before the 2014 UK spanking laws. All girls enjoyed the making of this video and have signed a paper to say so. No lasting marks or bruises were made.
Asa Jones Spankings
Price: $5.99
Date Added:
File Size:
45.52 MB
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Movie Length: 3:30
F/F Spankings, Sex and Spanking, Spanking
Hello I'm Asa Jones a Blushing books author and illustrator. In other words I write and illustrate spanking novels. Some of my clips are taken from scenes from my illusstrated novels, such as (Charlotte ~ The Illustrated Story of a Spanking Maven) However most of them are made just for the pure love of spanking! I hope you enjoy my clips/videos. If you buy one or two that's wonderful, and I wish to thank you most sincerely. I need your money to make more videos and clips, it's as simple as that! I promise to try my best to write good scripts, if there is anything in particular you'd like to see then contact me via my web site...