3 Hours Late Part 5

3 Hours Late Part 5

Can you imagine showing up 3 hours late for a job interview with a lame excuse? This stripper did. In part 6 she gets the strap on her incredibly bruised butt, Outlaw ignores her screaming and uncontrolled crying until he he certain she has learned her lesson. Incredible welts raised on her bare ass, this is one well punished little girl.

Store: #Outlaw Spanking Video

Price: $5.99


Date Added: 01/21/10
File Size: 77.42 MB
File Type: WMV
Resolution: 640x480
Movie Length: 4:56

BDSM, M/F Spankings, OTK Spankings, Paddling, SchoolGirl Spankings, Sex and Spanking, Spanking, Strapping

outlaw spanking video, wellspanked.net, bdsm, paddle, severe punishment, hard spanking, tears, crying, school girl punishment, strap, strapping video, severe punishment

#Outlaw Spanking Video

Outlaw Spanking Video offers real spanking videos. Nothing fake about us. Every spanking is real and most are severe where others claim to spank hard we do it. Real spankings bring tears and almost every spanking we adminster has the girl crying.

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