The Unavoidable part 2 SD

The Unavoidable part 2 SD

Judy was playing games during the service, and I cannot take this lightly. She knows she is in for a hard punishment, and obediently lifts up her dress before going over the back of my chair. The swoosh of my cane makes her whimper, having been in this position repeatedly for her bad behaviour. Judy doesn't know how many strokes she will endure, just that it will be many. Judy is rubbing her sore bottom as she steps timidly up my stairs. Ushering her into the room, I have her bend over to show me the marks from her first caning. The stripes are already fading, so it's time for round two. Stepping out of her dress, Judy assumes the position over my spankinghorse, counting out every lash of my cane on her poor, sore bottom. I will make certain this final set of 25 strokes will be one the worst she may ever endure. My cane lands harder and harder, striping Judy's cheeks with angry red welts, making her cry and gasp as she tries to keep up with the count. "Will there be a next time?", I ask. Judy promises me there won't. Part 2 of 2

Store: Bellington Academy

Price: $13.99


Date Added: 06/10/24
File Size: 1231.35 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 720p
Movie Length: 24:11

Caning, Garter & Stockings, Vintage, Lace/Lingerie, Corporal Punishment, BDSM, F/F Spankings, Spanking, Domination, Whipping

F/F Caning , Sore Bottom , F/F CP, Red Stripes , Bunnie Stevens, bunniestevens, SvensonMiss, cane punishment, crying, pantyhose, spankingff, WellSmackedSeat

Bellington Academy

Traditional school girl spanking and caning. Female only

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