Real Discipline Series: Stevies Mouthy Mistake - MP4

Real Discipline Series: Stevies Mouthy Mistake - MP4

Stevie has been having a very bad mouth and disrespectful attitude towards those around her, and finally Kyle has had enough and decides to discipline her severely. After a stern lecture on the way she talks to people, Kyle spanks stevies bottom soundly to squirming pleading and finally tearful submission as he helps to teach her how to have a more respectful mouth and what happens when she doesnt, which is a SEVERE BARE BOTTOM SPANKING!

Store: Disciplinary Arts

Price: $9.99


Date Added: 09/24/23
File Size: 204.41 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 720p
Movie Length: 13:10

BDSM, Bondage, Breast Spanking, Caning, F/F Spankings, F/M Spankings, Feet/Leg Spanking, Fem/Dom, Hairbrush Spanking, M/F Spankings

disciplinary arts, spanking, otk, over the knee, hair brush, stevie, kyle, severe, punishment

Disciplinary Arts

Disciplinarian Kyle Johnson gives real disciplinary sessions to girls from all over the world. ANY REAL DISCIPLINE VIDEO IS ACTUALLY A REAL DISCIPLINE SESSION, NO ACTRESSES, JUST REAL DISCIPLINE FOR THINGS THAT NEED TO BE DEALT WITH! Also specialize in fun role play scenarios with some of the most beautiful girls in the world.

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