Spic n span full movie

Spic n span full movie

Spic N Span Starring Desi DeAngelo, Shelby, And Anthony Lawton Description: spic n span Bellamy, head butler of the Charlton Manor, runs a tight ship. The slightest negligence on the part of a lowly scullery maid can draw the most severe penalty. And he administers his judgment with all the pomp and objectivity of a Supreme Court jurist. Punishment day is actually Bellamy's favorite day of the week. For this is the day when he faces two perfectly rounded tender young bottoms, anxiously exposed for corporal punishment. With supple wrist and deftness of stroke, Bellamy knows how to apply the precisely the correct pressure to generate maximum sting. After this session, two very lovely and tearful young ladies will return to their duties with a certain trepidation mixed with anticipation. For they know the slightest error on their part will bring swift and sure compensation. And they wouldn't have it any other way.

Store: The Janus Shop

Price: $24.99


Date Added: 09/13/19
File Size: 899.00 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 640x480
Movie Length: 57:12


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