Stealing, Lying, Screaming, Crying

Stealing, Lying, Screaming, Crying

When I notice missing cash, there's no mystery: Karen is the only one who would've had access. Initially, she tries to deny it, but when I slap her across the face, she gives up the act and admits that her car got towed and she was afraid to ask. (WARNING: this video has 4 face slaps, and the preview has one -- if you're a spanko but don't like face slapping, please beware.) I inform Karen that I would've simply lent her the money, but by taking it without bothering to ask, I have no choice but to give her a spanking........ This is only the second time I've ever disciplined Karen, and if you thought her first time being spanked as an adult didn't go well for her -- see: Lazy Girl is Spanked to Tears -- well... it doesn't go better the second time. If you're a fan of a good struggle, where the girl might know that she deserves and even needs to be punished, but that doesn't mean she's able to make herself hold still while she's disciplined, this is simply a must see. Karen is reluctant when she's at her most cooperative, and the rest of the time I have to really fight to keep her down........ But despite Karen's hysterics, I insist that she get the spanking she deserves, and refuse to allow her to dictate the terms of her punishment. I decide when she's been sufficiently spanked, not her, and Karen is screaming and crying while I hold her down and spank her unrelentingly. Several times, I have to stop and explain that while I'm sorry she's having so much trouble accepting the consequences of her behavior, I'm not going to spare her the punishment she deserves or deny her the discipline she needs. Then the spanking resumes........ Finally, I decide that Karen has been spanked enough. I take her into my arms, and reassure her that I wouldn't be so determined to discipline her if I didn't truly believe it's for her own good. Impossible as it is while she's being punished, Karen concedes that she understands and accepts her need to be forcefully disciplined when necessary.

Store: Punishments Only

Price: $15.00

Punishments Only

Spanking with the following guiding principle: "it doesn't start until she wants it to stop, and it doesn't stop until she thinks it never will."

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