Severe Punishment

Severe Punishment

Claudia fica com raiva porque Mário tentou enganar ela,então Claudia não tem outra escolha a não ser punir- lo dolorosamente e cruelmente. Ela odeia quando a tentam enganar,e diz-lhe para se preparar pois vai levar um merecido castigo bem severo… O Mário ama e admira a amante e ela sabe como fazê-lo sofrer com a bengala,cintos de couro e suas tiras de couro que machucam muito , Claudia parece ameaçadora com a bengala na mão e seu sorriso sádico deixa antever um castigo cruel, não importa o que eu possa lhe dizer, que os golpes de Claudia são brutais. Seus movimentos são precisos, os golpes são duros e muito bem direcionados. Cada golpe único faz ele estremecer e gritar de dor… Claudia gets angry because Mario tried to fool her, so Claudia has no choice but to punish him painfully and cruelly. She hates when they try to deceive her, and tells her to prepare herself because she will take a well-deserved severe punishment ... Mario loves and admires his lover and she knows how to make him suffer with his walking stick, leather belts and leather straps that hurt a lot, Claudia looks threatening with her cane in her hand and her sadistic smile betrays a cruel punishment, not matter what I can tell you, that Claudia's blows are brutal. His movements are precise, the blows are hard and very well directed. Every single blow makes him shudder and scream in pain ...

Store: CMFetish

Price: $18.99


Date Added: 12/17/18
File Size: 745.49 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 1080p
Movie Length: 18:35

BDSM, Caning, Domestic Discipline, F/M Spankings, Fem/Dom, Spanking, Strapping

severe punishment, caning, femdom, amateur, strapping, bdsm, mask



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