Violet had been "put up before the beak" to answer a charge of public indecency. If there is anything which is guaranteed to raise the hackles of a Magistrate it is young women behaving without dignity or respect for themselves or their womanhood. Of course, the wretched girl was found guilty and sentenced to a judicial strapping. Violet entered the punishment room thinking this would be no worse than the strapping she had received a few years ago from her dad. She soon realised her mistake when ordered to strip. She obeyed very nervously and was then ordered to bend over the table. Violet expected, in that position, to feel the sting of a belt across her bottom but instead was subjected to a very humiliating internal search. Once in the correct position, the whipping started and Violet knew immediately that this was going to be a whole lot worse than her dad's belt. She was crying and sobbing uncontrollably long before she was told to get up. Dressing was a very painful experience and Violet shuffled from the room clutching her blazing cheeks and with the punishment officer's promise of a much worse thrashing, if she were sent back a second time, ringing in her ears.
Spanking & Shame
Price: $9.99
Date Added:
File Size:
102.66 MB
File Type:
Movie Length: 9:19
M/F Spankings, Strapping
judicial discipline, corproal punishment, strap, strapping, nudity, pain, shame, humiliation, bare bottom, tears , crying , sobbing
Some girls just get too big for their boots. Insolence, disrespect and other unladylike behaviour has to be nipped in the bud. To be effective, the punishment must be both painful and humiliating and a properly disciplined girl feels plenty of both. Her bottom cheeks aren't the only ones that glow red after she's been spanked and shamed into obedience. First she's made to change into an embarrassing punishment outfit. She's humiliated even more by being made to strip (leg smacking makes sure she obeys) but the ultimate humiliation comes as she prostrates herself across her chastiser's knee to present her bottom for punishment. Enjoy