Not doing the dishes

Not doing the dishes

In our house, we have this thing, whereby we alternate the dish cleaning on a daily basis. Needless to say that whoever forgets, is subject to a spanking (or not), at the non-offender's sole discretion. Last night it was my turn to do the dishes, but I was too absorbed in a project of mine, so I totally forgot. Given that she wasn't in a very good mood herself either, she decided not to let it go. So she took me over her knee and gave me quite a painful bare bottom spanking, with her hand and hairbrush. I think it'll be a while before I forget to do the dishes again.

Store: switchie's corner

Price: $5.99


Date Added: 02/27/15
File Size: 205.73 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 720p
Movie Length: 8:11

F/M Spankings, Hairbrush Spanking

hairbrush, otk , domestic dicsipline

switchie's corner

We are a couple in our mid-30's, and we use spanking as a means of discipline on a regular basis. The naughty one gets spanked - it's as simple as that. The punishments shot are almost always real, for real offenses. Resolving our arguments with a good, old fashioned spanking, is what has kept us loving each other, and going on.

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